Many people go through long periods of bad thoughts and feelings. When life is difficult it often feels impossible to change yourself or the situation.
Fortunately, this is not so.
With Overcome, you get the insights and tools you need to create change and a better life.
The treatment program - developed by renowned Norwegian psychologists - helps with anxiety, depression, burnout, stress and sleep difficulties. Learn how to manage your own challenges through concrete and research-validated methods.
Read more about the science behind it.
Our psychologists have long and varied experience so that you will find the help you need. No referral from a doctor, no waiting time and no travel time.
more about the overvinneklinikken“We at Overvinne believe that you yourself know best what you need. At the same time, we know that you will overcome your challenges easier and more efficiently if you let us help you. With skilled psychologists and hot technology, we provide help in a new way. We are there for you when you need it, and in the way you know is best for you.”
Specialist in Child and Adolescent Psychology and Family Therapy. He is also the editor of the journal Sexology and has written two specialist books.
Professor of Clinical Psychology at NTNU - Department of Psychology. Specialist in clinical psychology and researcher on mental disorders.
We have different tolerance limits for stress, and it can have unfortunate consequences if stress persists for a long time. Finding good strategies to master and lower your stress levels can be an important investment in your future.
Sleep is an important part of our health. When we sleep, the body repairs itself, and the brain cleans up the experiences of the day. Many people have difficulty sleeping, and experience serious consequences as a result of lack of sleep.
Burnout can be a consequence of high demands, little control and lack of social support. Get help to lift your gaze and return to an existence where you experience learning and growing again.
Having good relationships with those around you is not only pleasurable, it is also preventative of many mental health difficulties. If you find that your relationships with your loved ones are difficult, it may be good to have someone from the outside who can help clean up the tangles.
Anxiety is often experienced as persistent restlessness and worry, stopping many from participating in important situations and relationships in their lives. Get help dealing with, and stop avoiding, situations you find uncomfortable or overwhelming.
Although it is normal to experience sadness, it is problematic when such feelings persist. Persistent negative feelings about oneself and the future, impaired concentration and memory, or sleep disturbance are some signals that you should seek help.
Anyone can experience tough days at work. Stress, burnout, anxiety and depression are demanding on both employees and the workplace. Through Overcome and conversations with a psychologist, you and your colleagues have available and professional help adapted to individual needs.
Read moreIt's hard to know what to do when someone you love is having a hard time.
Through digital self-treatment, Overvinne offers the insights and tools needed to create change and a better life.